Terms and Conditions - FonePaw Software

Data Recovery
Data Transfer

Terms of Conditions

When you are using the products from FonePaw or online, you need to agree with FonePaw on owning the following rights:

1. Copyright show/unshow

All copyrights of contents are owned by FonePaw. Expect the explicitly statement in the particular file of the site, you can access to information to view, broadcast, print, and download files, audios and videos for private purposes with non-commercial. You can't modify any materials, nor to copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, publish, license, transfer or sale any content and make derivatives unless the copyright law authorized. You cannot repeat use any content without permission in this website. In view of these terms and conditions of the rules, you mustn't use any material in other site. You also can not delete any copyright, trademark or other ownership of published content. You need to know and agree:

  • All of products from FonePaw are protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties.
  • FonePaw reserves all rights if the software is not clearly granted to you.
  • FonePaw always keep the ownership of the copyright to the software.
  • The entire contents of FonePaw are not allowed to be modified without permission.
2. Content and Third-Party Links on FonePaw show/unshow

You are responsible for any content you download, copy, send or other using way at FonePaw. Unless otherwise stated on the website, we or our licensors and partners own the intellectual property rights and material in website. FonePaw website may contain links to other sites, resources, and advertisers' links and Pointers. We couldn't review all of the websites which links to the FonePaw, and to any external page or from FonePaw to any other third party website. When you click on the link, it means you admit that we have no right of control to the content of any other web sites, and we will have no statement for any other web sites.

3. Indemnity show/unshow

You agree to defend, indemnify and hold FonePaw and its affiliates, subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents, partners, contractors, and licensors harmless from any and all claims, injuries, damages, losses or suits including attorney fees, arising out of or resulting from the acts, and any related Terms' violation.

4. Disclaimer show/unshow

Within the maximum permitted by law, this website and content are provided by us, which does not contain any type of guarantee, whether express or implied, including but not constitute infringement of the implicit guarantee. Information on this site are only provided for the generally purpose but not constitute advice. FonePaw can't guarantee or contain information/procedures in the website is accurate, complete, or the latest. Within the maximum permitted by law, when you use the products in this web site, the validity, accuracy, suitability, usefulness, timeliness, reliability, or otherwise of the products of FonePaw will not make any warranty. FonePaw reserves suspension or revocation of the entire site or any part of rights.

5. Restriction show/unshow

You can purchase and install any software on your computer or devices at will. You are empowered to evaluate the software form FonePaw.

It is expressly forbidden to the unauthorized copying of software.

You will not get any compensation from us in case of you use the trial version of software.

You mustn't lend rent or lease the software of FonePaw to anyone getting profits.

6. Trademark show/unshow

FonePaw is legally protected by law and nobody can use our trademark to do illegal things unless you want to use it with the prior written permission. If you break the rule of us, it means your behavior will constitute unfair competition and trademark infringement in violation of law, so we have rights to investigate for your legal responsibility according to law.

7. Feedback show/unshow

FonePaw welcomes users to comment on the website whether the question, expectation or suggestion. Or send us Email to supporters.